Saturday, July 31, 2004

I still can't see my blog, I've given up on trying to, as long as I can still up-date this site, I'm happy.

But anyway! The first phase of the summer school (July) is now over, and it really wasn't that bad :). I was busy, but I'm alive!

The second half of the summer madness, August, is set to be much easier too as the school kids (the majority of our customers) head back to school earlier than normal this year and can't enrol on month-long courses for August. This means we have fewer lessons during the day and our schedule as a whole lightens up. Hurray :)

With all this new found time on my hands I'm trying to decide what productive activities to get up to in the day. The grand plan is to learn more Chinese (I've been here 2 and a half months, and the language learning is really not going very quickly... maybe I should start *trying* (clever)).

Running onto something else: The article that some of you know I've been writing is finally about to be published online, yay, tomorrow :) They're running it as a two part feature for the website I'm writing for. Half of my article will be published in Aug (American time), you can see this first half in this month's issue at:

The second half of teh article will follow in September's issue. Obviously it's been through the editor's hands, so changes have been made but I like it. However, I'm not sure how much sense it will make to anyone else until the second half of the article comes out, let me know what you think!

For those who haven't seen me in a while, my hair is also somewhat longer than in the picture on the website too (small pleasures ;). Those photos I promised long ago, of the mountains - plus more, will finally be coming out (when I find a good, free, web-based photo hosting service - I ran out of space on the last one).

Time to find some food...

P.S. Belated Happy Birthday to Dad and Uncle J over the past few weeks!
Loadsa love
Cath xxx

Monday, July 19, 2004

In spite of my sloth genes (there have to be some, it's the only way to explain my common irrational laziness) I have FINALLY managed to sort out my Internet at home. This is where I am sitting this very second - hurrah hurrah, yay me.

It's raining; it's been raining all night and day; what's up with that???? This is Oasis country. At least the temperature has dived a much-needed 10 degrees or more. It's brilliant. Though I am having bad-hair-day issues...

I've got way too much work to do at the moment, which (re: above sloth genes) I have left ALL till the evening before anything is required. Eep. Lesson plans, end of course reports, articles, and all that is before I start on the household neglect.... mopping (Mike & Deb: I have learnt nothing), laundry.. blah blah-dee blah.

How is it 8pm already?

Better get to it!

Loads of rained on love,
Cath xxx

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Hello all -

The internet in China has pretty much stalled for the month of July... hence why I haven't been psoting or emailing recently. It's been a while, I know...

Urumqi had the hottest day for 25 years yesterday - 41 degrees. Everyone continues as normal however. Today feels much cooler - at 35 degrees; it's dry, so it really is alright at 35 degrees. 41, however, felt liek you were walkign into a blow dryer everytime you left a building.

Brooke has finally arrived, and Stan has moved to a new apartment across the way. Brooke a great - but I haven't had a chance to really sit down and speak with her as my work scedule is filled to the brim.

I was ill the other day and ended up needing antibiotics. Now, nothing major normally, however, this was my first experience with Chinese hospitals and doctors. China is obsessed with drips - the needle in your arm pumping away kind. I've had three drips in the past half-week. MADNESS - these are the Chinese equivalent of doing a short course of antibiotics, except instead of swallowing a couple of pills every 6 hours, you lie in a little clinic (which are abundant and all over the city) and doze while you're needled up once a day. It's actually a nice excuse to have a two hour nap, adn is apparently more effective than pills (in the west it's just too expensive and time consuming to do it this way). We even had "Return of the King" playing on the TV, for entertainment, during the last session I had.

Tonight is Nikolai's b'day (one of the other teachers here) - so it's party time in the 4th floor apartment. Looking forwrad to it, it will be a nice break from pretending to know how to teach... :)
Ooo my class starts in three minutes... I had better move tush.

No time to spell check, sorreeee.

Loadsa hugs
Cath xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, July 05, 2004


The summer school starts today - fear.. fear... in essence this means a WHOLE lot of work for the next two months.

In truth though, the hours allocated to the teachers aren't half as bad as they have been in past, and not as bad as I've been led to believe (led to believe by both people in general, and people who should know better). Today should be ok, I have two classes (2 hours long). Tomorrow is three... then two the next day, then three again... blah blah.

I won't go on. You get the idea.

The weekend was a great one, house parties, meeting new people, savouring the last few days of freedom before the summer course...

Also - Hussein, it was fantastic to hear from you (even if it WAS 5am in the morning). We'll definitely chat soon - and keep harressing Steph until she gets back to us.

STEPH! Where are you????????????????????

JB - if you're back online - how was the move?

Margo - if you're online later, I'll be chatting...

Dad - I know, I STILL haven't called you, how are you? Email meeeeee

Chat to you all soon, lessons to plan (ha... oh dear).
Loadsa love
Cath xxx

Friday, July 02, 2004

Hi everyone

Email is back on track - yay :)

I have 15 minutes until my next class, so this will be a short one (first class that is completing - which means all sorts of weird ceremonial activities, parents watching, and all sorts of nerve-wracking things which shouldn't occur in the morning... ugh).

ANYWAY! In general news, Mike and Deb have been here for a few days - they arrived on Wednesday. We've been gallivanting off in the mountains, without life risking moments this time. Hurrah. Actually, we found the "right" place to go in the Nan Shan mountain range - and it's absolutely worth it. It really is spectacular - the alpine views, the yurt villages that we live in, the horse riding, etc etc etc. I'll post some more photos up when I have a free moment.

Mike and Deb are off to Kashgar today, but they'll be back to cath-base-camp by next week.

As for me, I've basically been living it up in our mountain yurt, entertaining the guests with my bad singing.... NO, no singing (well, I think Mike was singing somewhere down the line..) but, no, just plain old hosting-entertaining.

Another bit of news, workwise, is that next week is the start of the summer school (eep). Which means working my butt off 6 days a week until Sept. A little daunting, but if we do overtime, we get paid well for it... and it's only 2 months... we'll see how it goes. As a result of that I'm planning a week off around Sept / October... not sure what I'll do yet. I might go over to ChengDu, or try and visit the Northern parts of this province (the chilled out Alpine-y bit). Will keep you all up to date once I can make a decision...

Decisions are hard and frankly over-rated.

Ok, work.

Chat later!
Cath xxx