Monday, July 05, 2004


The summer school starts today - fear.. fear... in essence this means a WHOLE lot of work for the next two months.

In truth though, the hours allocated to the teachers aren't half as bad as they have been in past, and not as bad as I've been led to believe (led to believe by both people in general, and people who should know better). Today should be ok, I have two classes (2 hours long). Tomorrow is three... then two the next day, then three again... blah blah.

I won't go on. You get the idea.

The weekend was a great one, house parties, meeting new people, savouring the last few days of freedom before the summer course...

Also - Hussein, it was fantastic to hear from you (even if it WAS 5am in the morning). We'll definitely chat soon - and keep harressing Steph until she gets back to us.

STEPH! Where are you????????????????????

JB - if you're back online - how was the move?

Margo - if you're online later, I'll be chatting...

Dad - I know, I STILL haven't called you, how are you? Email meeeeee

Chat to you all soon, lessons to plan (ha... oh dear).
Loadsa love
Cath xxx

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