Sunday, August 22, 2004

Yoga is hard. Very hard.

I made it to the gym two days ago, and I'm hurting a little now.... but it is definitely due to the Yoga class. I've never done one before, and I hear that it was (apparently) one of the more energetic forms of Yoga. I now understand why people do Yoga in classes - it is so reassuring when other people fall down trying to assume the "tree postion" too.....

China provides a real contrast to my Yoga presumptions as well. There were more men than women in the class - and half of the blokes were huge body building types. Eye-opening!

Otherwise, I've been really busy prepping for the school preformance day at the end of next week. In particular I've been working a lot with one of my classes of teenagers, where we're doing a pop-y dance to "Where is the Love?".... (we are really something to see, hahahaa).

We were even practicing outdoors, in the People's square yesterday - alongside the other mad groups of dancers, who just hang out in the square, morning, noon and night dancing in public for exercise (from ballroom to Tai Chi). starting my own little group of dancers with a boombox was my attempt to 'go-native'.

Am good! Chat soon,
Cath xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where I come from "Yoga" is called stretching :)
