Saturday, May 29, 2004

Did my last post make any sense? It occurred to me last night that it probably didn’t (I blame the mourning)…

In case it didn't, besides practicing Uyghur, my recent company has been more or less limited to a girl called Sarah – a girl who teaches at a local middle school. All the teachers at English First (my school) are couple-d up, which though fine - as they're all social people – can leave me without someone to play with on occasion.

And as Sarah's social lifey was even more limited that mine (local schools don’t have too many English speaking staff… i.e. one other: an old male), us hanging out together worked out perfectly. HOWEVER, her contract has just finished - so she's leaving Urumqi today, and my social life is back to being the odd person out with couples.

Eh. Couples.

Ok, it sounds more morose that it actually IS. My flat mate should be arriving soon... (July) yaaaaaaaaaay, and other people will be starting and ending work contracts, so people will come and leave, and the alternate couple universe is not somewhere I'll live for too long.

Other than that, one of my classes got cancelled today (yaaaay, two hours of idleness for free). So I have time to write here.

Uyghur wedding tonight, I have no outfit. Will have to go in work clothes. Lame.

Maybe I should go and be productive now....

Loadsa love
Cath xxxxxxxxx

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