Monday, September 27, 2004

So, it's meant to snow tonight. Huh.

It's cold.
Right, I've got "doing-stuff" fatigue. I truely want to sit on my arse for the next four days (by day five I might be bored of the flat).

Whinge time. Why why why why why am I scheduled to work sooooooooo many more hours than everyone else at the moment? Eh? I understand there are a lot of new teachers, but really. It's a bit much. I'm getting a bit tired of that it. Ehhhh :P

Ok, enough whinging.

Not too much is going on reeeeaaallly.

Tiffany and I are off to some obsure town, 100km away from Urumqi, tomorrow. We've got to go and do a demonstration class. Huh. An English demostration class for a business delegation heading to.... Germany. Honestly, I don't particularly understand it, but in that hazy-grey area, I think I kinda see why they might want to have some English classes before they go (frankly, it's all they can get in Urumqi).

I feel pretty neutral about going out there, I'm just not keen on the time it's going to suck-up. Too much too do. BRING ON THE HOLIDAY. Three more days...........

A couple of messages:

Dad - thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for the diet pepsi and mooncakes. I was it absolute heaven - admittedly they're now all gone, but they were REALLLLY satisfying.

Margo - I haven't heard from you in ages, I want to hear more about the flat in Islington, etc etc! Drop me an email.

Ok, time to do more of that 'working' stuff that I'm starting to go-off.
Cath xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Hurrah, I'm back!

Well, it's taken me ages to get back on here. It's getting harder and harder with the Internet these days. Damn Internet.

Anyway, since I last wrote over two weeks ago, a few things have been going on:

The new flatmate and I have been traveling. Primarily we made a trip out to the mountains for one last gallivant before the snow sets it. In fact, most of the nomads had moved on by the time we got up there two weeks ago, as the winter is creeping up, so we ended up staying in a family's home (yurt) instead of renting one because there weren't any to rent.

Staying with the family was excellent, it was a lot more engaging than my other trips. Tiffany and I have now made good contacts with a Kazak family and will be returning to see them in the winter when they move down to the grasslands. The next mission will be learning how to cook the local noodles, ban mein, from scratch, via our wonderful Kazak hosts.

Speaking of wonderful Kazak hosts, Tiffany has found herself a fab Kazak man who is now a consistent feature in our social life.

Soooooooooo, China has a big national holiday starting next week (National Day? Liberation Day? I don't really know the term, but it's to celebrate the founding of the Communist government - something like that). Anyway, that means we get a good week off; so I'm off. Yayyyyyy.

I'll be flying up to Yili (Northern Xinjiang province) for the first week of October - past the Tian Shan mountains and into the massive grasslands and alpine valleys. Basically I will be just shy of the border with Kazakhstan. It will be damn cold. Other than being cold, I will be staying with some fun VSO teachers up there who I met before the summer. Not much is planned... I'll be visiting a famous Alpine lakes (Sayram Lake), which is 2000m above sea level. Then I plan to sit on my arse, watch TV, and switch between drinking caffeine and alcohol. It envision excellence in relaxation.

4. WORK...
Going very well, there is some possible good new pending, but I have to wait until that occurs before I broadcast it.

We're definitely chilling down. Let's be honest, it freaks me out. We're expecting our first snow sometime in the next three weeks. It's already snowing up in the mountains.

We have loads of new faces in Urumqi. Besides my new flatmate Tiffany; Dora, Peta, Pat and Justine have joined the EF ranks... with Nuk and Bonnie to arrive after the National holiday, which is the first week in October. As you can tell, we're a little female heavy at EF at the moment. Oh, and SUsi (from my photos for those of you who have seen them) will be returning for Germany after the holidays too.

Happy b'day to Mom and Tiffany! Both of whom celebrated their b'days last weekend.

Over here in Urumqi, we had a huge party for Tiffany at the flat. It was great, we got messy (let's face it, everyone got messy) and it went on until dawn-ish. All in all, successful!

Dad – the package has arrived at the Post Office… I’m off to pick it up on Thursday… so excited! Mmmm, diet Pepsi…

Right, that's about it! I need to go and write an exam now... so until my laziness is conquered again, toodle ooo.
Cath xxxxx

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sorry folks, I know, long time no blog.

I've overcome the laziness and will post a big blog in a minute, ocne I've finished my late lesson plans. In a nutshell, I'm a live and have some general news.

Chat in a moment,
Cath xxx

Sunday, September 05, 2004

My article is finally online! There are two parts on the site.
Bear with the article - and remember it HAS been edited, so the emphasis and voice has changed a bit.
This will be one week I really am glad to see the back of.

Primarily Mark's death threw me on an emotional roller coaster. That's taken a great deal of my time and energy this week, which has put more pressure on me having to get my work done in the precious little spare time remaining.

Secondly, a few of you know that Matt and I have been rocky over the past few of weeks, but that's finally come to an end too. Thankfully that break-up in particular wasn't too draining, as it was a course of events I kinda anticipated. Not too much sadness either, as to why THAT is, I'm not entirely sure of the answer.

Thirdly, more changing relationships. I'm changing flatmates very soon. In a nutshell - without getting childish and intoa slagging off session - Brooke and I aren't very compatible. Shanging flatmates sounds quite drastic, but with so many new arrivals (teachers) this week and next, it's quite easy to request for a flatmate shuffle and for noone to think twice about the real reasons.

Brooke on the other hand is, understandably, decided I'm not on her list of favourite people. Not really a problem as we don't really talk much, but again, there's a draining factor with having tolive with someone you don't interact with.

Anyway, as soon as Brooke finds a flat (she's opted to move out of the EF flats), Tiffany will be moving up to join me on the 6th floor. She's from LA, we click, I'm happy, we're painting the living room red.

And that's pretty much my news. Plans for next week? Tiffany and I are heading out to NanShan, again, during our days off before the snow sets in, at the end of the month.

Snow. Scary.

Miles - Happy Birthday last week!

Loadsa love
Cath xxxxxxx